This is a great tool to grasp students' conceptual understanding before your lesson, revise their prior learning or correct misconception.
Give each student a small piece of paper 1/4 or even 1/8 of a blank sheet is good. Each student writes her/his name on the back.
Ask students to write about: a mathematical concept, explanation of a mathematical skill, knowledge on a mathematical idea or simple calculation of a question.
Collect ALL responses and scan through them quickly. Pick one or two of the responses with a mistake (or two) that you would like to address before today's learning.
Display or read out the response in front of the class. No mention of the author. (student)
Ask students: "What was absolutely correct/right about this response?" and discuss correct part of the response.
Ask students: "What is one thing you would like to fix in this response, so it will be perfect?"
Teacher note: These notes can be used as a quick check of who already has the conceptual knowledge or retain the knowledge from previous learning. With a quick scan of the students' responses, you may be able to modify your lesson.
Hey I found a good video showing the technique. A bit different to what I wrote above, but you will understand the process better with this video.